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What is a Birth Chart Reading?

An astrology chart—also called a birth chart or natal chart—is a snapshot of the position of the planets on the exact day, time, and location you were born. It contains powerful information about the types of energies you were exposed to at your precise moment of birth. A birth chart reading service analyzes this unique chart to offer personalized insights and guidance based on astrological interpretations. 


Clients receive information about their Sun sign, Moon sign, rising sign, and the positions of planets in different astrological houses. The service may explore themes such as personality traits, career prospects, relationships, and potential life challenges, providing clients with a deeper understanding of themselves and their life journey.

On a personal level, it also speaks of your strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for growth. The main reason knowing your natal chart is kind of a big deal: It’s unique to Y-O-U.


A common misconception about birth charts is that they are like horoscopes, just individualized. Reading your daily, weekly, monthly, and even yearly horoscope can provide general guidance because it’s based solely on your Sun sign.


But reading your chart—which is a customized assessment of all the different celestial bodies, astrological houses, natural elements, and more—means receiving targeted and hyper-personalized direction for your life.

And the best part? It's all online, and anyone from anywhere in the world. If you are interested in deepening your knowledge about your unique journey, don't think twice.


Offering Price

$120 for 60 Minutes






Client's Review:

"Imagine waking up & not fully understanding what your purpose or inspirations are. A disconnect from the self but an understanding that there’s more to you than you think. Imagine one day you decide to look into your birth chart and finally come to the realization of how truly beautiful you really are.


This is what Carolina helped me accomplish. A deeper and powerful insight into why I am the way I am and WHY I feel the way I do. From how I respond to difficult situations to how I prosper in my own pursuit of happiness. Everyone should have a run down of their birth charts at an early age to make ensure they are headed in the direction that is best for their life path.


I wish I would have done this sooner, I probably would have avoided a lot of heartbreak and trusted in myself sooner that I was on the right path. Carolina is an incredible source for attaining this level of understanding to one’s true SELF."


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